Monday, January 16, 2023

Belated birthday post publish (1/10/23 3:15 AM, while digitally high)

 Darth Vader comic on my birthday!

 It seems to be the linear a slow muddling back when recognizable individual units e.g. these are the characters, media bars, images i take ownership of, i see them referenced (reference is important relational concept of Child Life) and recombobulated and feel low primate thrill of: Me, recognition

Now nothing even as unit-able or found or separable as Proustian madeleine cookie dipping into the tea, almost something post-dip , the post- act of dissolution , cookie already mostly dissolved or else tea cold and set in the sink, to be washed, and all recognition lies in the sly,and slippery: Nuance

so that something that once felt as exciting as seeing a known: Darth Vader, reproduced and in differing form and with unfamiliar style overlaid, was just turning the AM wheel on new Retekness to several stations in <180 degree arc each with mounting and attenuating bed of thin classical music beneath, touchingly

What i mean to say is that I am 24 today, i am older, more mature, and that the simple frenzied joy or activation of the past which hinged on a passionate rabid and voluntary taking-on of node of "IDENTIFICATION" has now become or continues to become silvery, sensual, soft, and based on loose boundary-less centers of variable unknowns

And i transferred that feeling to this common one now or is it not directly equivalent. saw my parents, thomas, thomas's friend edison today, felt a great love towards him and everyone and felt some same Though all seems strange and absurd and i forgot i resolved to view it as such Some things feel safe and known or not known themselves but turning the knowing back on everything else which has been found strange and known-ing them like the known structure of how to do things.. In the specific family unit or culture, the way things are done, tradition, etc. like just a tradition of interacting in a certain way with "    's friend,     " pre-registered schoolboy innocence and slight distance of relief

Yes, honeydew cartridge, even word 'Chinese' becomes verb action of relating to and acting towards things

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