At the moment of death the entire juicy miasma --- of a hundred
filmic narratives worn and taken on ----drops/snaps back
inwards/dissipates/vanishes and you double back down on your own old
ethnic narrative of american self-actualization... I am mexican I am
immigrant i dont want to die i am clark gable dying shortly after
several pained smiles i am montgomery clift getting back on the horse i
am chinese black circus freak rateater i am loogie made human and
physical I am gay Column of phlegm gal pal anna may wong i am gary
cooper gene kelly don lockwood i am lina lamont i am Pre- and post-
buccal fat removal margot robbie i am an occasional vomiter i am getting
off the horse. I am leaving the great protoplasmic Angeleno carapace. I
am a movie that is the length of time and pure clumsy narrative running
liquid backwards in jerked skein forwards looping - movie which is
literally shit out of itself which is birthed in great balls of animal
waste and then proceeds to interpolate its own score, I go lay flat on
my bare gessoed canvas life the canvas is naked at birth then gessoed
with afterbirth (the first narrative, formed of genotype phenotype and
context and occurrence, is being a baby) i texture it over with
translucent globs of movie paint i walk and carry it with me like Music
which is emotional sensory decoration of time. Even the sort of trumpet
blasts of near-stupidity this movie sometimes blows out in forceful and
effortful puffs are tucked in and ugly and texture and part of it and
moving and necessary probably. Man having a breakdown scene bent down
over a table with face hidden from viewer. Taking a beat before leaving
the scene. Three or four scenes ago an actual scene being made inside of
an already-made scene. damien chazelle who is present in nepotted
wooden son max minghella format proceeds to take critical Cultural
Conversations around la la land and take them and actually think about
them and work them around in ways elegant and morally neutral into a
tender response... Some actually tasteful racial stuffs here, which are
somehow accessions and reproductions of a million extant sensory
narrative triggers but also which are genuinely touching.. It occurs to
me that this is modern scarface the only way scarface could be made
'Today' with all applicant textures and sheens of the Time. None of us
last and none of our lives have anything happen have any spikes or any
individual sparkle they are empty canvas gessoed then textured by
narrative overlays and the miasma shooting up the collective iCloud and
uCloud and allCloud up overhead arching the silvery sheen which we all
take on and are allowed to take on and cannot stop from taking on,
consumerism is taker-on-erism, drone or crane overhead shot of th ewhole
complex and people become sheets of linked speckles with repetitive
same patches of -core, aesthetics, visual indicators of imagined lives
made visible, I texture my canvas over again with this pure optimistic
morally neutral but un-empty apocalypse w/ all logistical and slapstick
and semiotic symbolic scenic "cinematic" trappings. Phoebe tonkin
peepee-ing on an uncurbed man. And concurrent then subsequent
recognition, excitement, invocation of myth. The Devil Tobey Maguire.
The crass and genuinely silent film sensibility of margot robbie Silly
and always somehow true performing like a dense pygmalioned layer of fat
skimmed from starlet broth surface. Like the nodal opposition to julia
roberts's horrible sharky lacuna performance of a person in pretty
woman. An empire transmuted which begins w/ a writhing sheet of people
that are nakedly gay and colored and godless but jubilant and free from
either the hallowing or smiting power of 'Morals' and then who are
sublimated into a shifting Linq casino system of hidden and repressed
and revealed and rotting moral transgressions. Many children of incest
and capital here . Slapstick which ends in death before fade out to next
scene but no one really dies, there will be another scene just like it,
conversations will be had again
The ending being the four
primary people-nodes of the movie finally being reduced to unfiltered
Selves, free of all flapping trappings of SYMBOL, as the entire film --
film which is just monied and complex color and light -- drops and snaps
back inwards and does something so random and then in the center of
that sly loud mix dissipates and condenses to their bare pixels of
unmixed hue. Like a live-action end of evangelion AMV hinged on the
moment the guy throws deuces up at the camera. Audience w/ audience,
audience lit red, green, blue, yellow, movie broken down to its lowest
particle format then stretched out to screen-width. Narrowing and
widening and re-narrowing and widening and winnowing and flooding over
and over and over again. I will make my own movie. I will keep
interpolating my own score. i will walk myself in a rich private silence
to someone else’s apartment then come back to my own then go to sleep
then wake up again. i will get groceries with my mother. i will go to
the multiplex at the mall with my father and brother. i will have a
conversation with a friend. there were and are and will be hundreds of
conversations just like it. all of this has happened before and will
happen again in hundreds and thousands of iterations ad infinitum i will
die and really be dead i will not be dead for real though i will be
sitting in the theater in the dark, with a always-carried and rising and
blooming and growing silvery bubble above me, i will be accessing it at
my leisure, i will be powerless to untether it, i would be naked or
fucked or dying or nothing without it, i will be at the movies I am at
the movies I am "making a movie" i will make a movie i will not make a
movie i will never make a movie it is enough to walk around and carry "i
am making a movie" with me i am i am i am one of 100s 1000s millions
all movies are the same this is better and denser than most we dip our
hands into the Lethe en masse then step back outside into the multiplex
then into the body of the mall then into the vaguely digestive and
nearly material scent still-standing in the food court then onto the sky
bridge then we are falling over the railing-less side of it through the
cold empty space between anus and toilet water then we make impact and
open our collective ocular network to see we are on the back of some
lush flying creature with our arms wrapped around the Na'vi waist of
Jake Sully who is so smooth and beautiful it hurts to love him

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